Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sick Days - Very Little Tot School

We knew we were in trouble when we found this little chickie on the couch asleep.
She actually fell asleep  in her brother's sweet.
Peep5 has not done this since she was tiny, so we knew something was up!

Then we found this one too tired to sit up to play!
Then I turned around and found this one...!
Our Big Peeps came to the rescue later and built and amazing
mess fort for the little chickies!
I love this pic of my almost 6ft tall teen playing with his little brother!

Tot School click here to see more Tot Schooling Families!
I so appreciate everyones advice on buying pipe cleaners
for stringing beads. Even Peep4 got the hang of it this week!
We started letter "A" this week!
I really like these free printables from
I was excited I found colored sticks at the dollar store, but
quickly found that the babies like to suck on them!
Thus, the colored lips! gross!
That is it! I'm exhausted!
 The"something" got Mama Hen too!
I haven't been this sick for days  since before the chickies were born!
Trying to survive with books, High Chair time, a movie here and there, and some serious

Monday, September 13, 2010

Homeschooling Multiples Resources

OK. So, I'm just getting started and am having a hard time finding good, no, great homeschooling resources for multiples. And then I remembered one of my favorite sites! Mama Jenn has two sets of twins plus one! And she is successfully homeschooling and living to blog about it and so much more! I will be spending a lot of time over at her blog this week checking out all of her resources that she already has in place for all of us! Check out her Homeschool Resource List Blog! This is so great! Looking for holiday ideas? Curriculum ideas? A-Z activities? And soooo much more! Go check her out!

If anyone has any homeschooling multiple blogs they follow or resources to share I'd love to share, please LMK! I'm hoping to make a list!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st Grade Starts With Fair Day

September 2002
Peep1- First Grade
Peep2 - 4 years old
Peep3 - 3 years old

We started out our year with the fantastic Western Washington State Fair. This is the 7th largest in the country! It is big and we got to go free on the first Friday of the fair each year. Since this was such a "big" deal in our area, we decided to host our own "Fair Day". Several homeschool families came to our house to "show" their animals (stuffed), show off their baking skills ( I got to judge all the entries...yummy), and their latest creations (lego, forts, etc.). We set up a ticket booth at the front door, where my kiddos got to learn about money (fake of course). We awarded each participant with Blue Ribbons for a variety of things! It was a total blast! The kids all loved it too! It was such a great way for them to try public speaking when showing their animals. And boosting self-confidence by showing off their hard work and so much more!

We loved My Father's World Kindergarten so much that we decided to follow with their First Grade curriculum. I loved it because the student got his own Bible to color and learn to read. I'm a huge believer in studying creation and the Bible as much as possible while they are young. It is the foundation to everything else they will learn later on! L&A got to do preschool along with MFW and went to co-op classes with their brother.

We plodded along pretty well. However, writing became a huge frustration quickly. If I had know then, what I know now, I would have put every writing assignment away (except for practicing the ABCs) quickly! This skill was so difficult (not that MFW asked for much) that Peep1 would sit at the table, white knuckled, the whole time. Tears for him. Total frustration for me as well. This continued into 2nd grade. So I took the lessons away and we spent more time on the couch reading great books. I gave him a writing journal and as we read he was to write words if he wanted to or draw pictures that related to the story. It was just for him to get used to a pencil in his hand w/o any pressure. It helped our relationship greatly! I love those precious times snuggled on the couch! I had forgotten until I read Salt Box: Tactile Penmanship Practice that we worked on tactile learning with salt and sand as well.

Reading three letter words was going pretty well. But by second grade his progress went very slowly. Looking back I remember all the worry and frustration I had over his progress. And now I see so early on the signs of what we would later learn was dyslexia!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Little Chickies Are 2!!!

My Little Chickies started out life 6.5 wks early.
After almost delivering at 26 weeks and several more times,
they are truly miracles that stayed cook'n until 33.3wks!

Chickie5- 4.0lbs
Chickie4 - 4.11lbs
Chickie6- 4.11lbs
Here they are today over 30lbs each!
Singing "Happy Birthday, ABC's , and Twinkle Twinkle"
I can't believe how big they are!

Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of School - 23months

While the big peeps are away....
Chickies will play!
We found rocks to write our names with.
We get excited when geese fly over us!
Attempting Tot School
Still have to get organized enough to plan some lessons for at least
a week or two in advance. For right now we are "winging" it!
Threading Beads
Peep5 is really into it and would ask for help with every bead.
Peep6 could pretty much thread the beads by himself. Needed some assistance.
We are focusing on colors, shapes and fine motor skills.
Anyone have good ideas of something longer and harder to thread
beads with for this age?
Peep4 was all about "Dressing Up"!
Didn't want to do any of the work, just show it off! haha
Snack time.
Teaching them to keep their snacks at the table is a lesson
I'm trying to teach them, since we'll be in some settings this Fall
where this is important.
I said,"Thank you, Mama." Thinking they'd repeat it and
Peep4 said "Thank you, Jesus!"...Even Better!
Peep1 - High School
Peep2 - Middle School
Peep3 - Elementary
I made these Banana Peanut Butter muffins for the first day of school.
But here's the catch. 
I knew I wouldn't have time in the early morning before Peep1 left to get them done, so I bought Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls for the AM and had these muffins ready for them when they walked in the front door after school.
 Boy, they sure smelled good!

A Great First Week!

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Wise Woman Builds Her House

Ever have one of those...I need a quick word from you, you open your Bible?

Here is today's Word for me:
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1
 Ok, God, what are you telling me?

First, I know where my heart is being led this Fall. (BTW, this was not how I was going to start this post)
I need to get back to basics.
I say that alot, but I mean the very basics.
The foundation.
It's been a long time since I've looked at the very bottom of things and brushed away the clutter and spent time inspecting my foundation.
I'll break it down.
Speaking gently.
Doesn't sound that exciting does it. But that's my focus this Fall!

First, if my foundation isn't on the Rock, Jesus Christ, how can I expect to build up my home. And it starts with prayer. We had a big eye-opener re: my oldest son, who went thru a really dark period of time last Spring. He is too young to have gone thru this, but it was definetly a spiritual warfare that we walked thru. Praise God that he was delivered from something at a church conference and God has walked with him closely. I can't tell you how wonderful it's been having my son back! This summer was such a joy to be with him and to have great conversations. Truly a different kid! Thank You, Lord. We're not sure how this all came to be, but I'm tired of feeling like I'm peddling to try to keep up with all the teen stuff. So, I want to be pro-active and be on my knees and keeping my children lifted before God, BEFORE things happen! They need such incredible protection and guidance and wisdom, that can only come from above! My older three are in public school so that complicates the matter. But they are there, because that is where we've been led for them for this year. It's a very hard decision. But I know that by being on my knees I can impact their lives in a mighty way!
And if I'm not being fed (spiritually), how can I feed my precious children with words of life?

Second, other than Christ, our marriage is THE foundation of this home. And I've walked with dear friends lately who's "Christian" marriages have ended in divorce. Where did that come from? How did that happen? I don't know and I'm sure they are wondering the same thing. I can't continue to let things slide in my marriage. To let complacency be the norm. We have to be on our guard and continually putting our marriages before God and asking Him to help us make it better and protect this vital foundation! I look at our 6 children and thank God that they have a model of parents that love each other to watch.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1
Third, if only I could have approached my conversation with my daughter differently yesterday. How I approach this tween is key to my relationship with her. But so often I am in a hurry, can't hear because of babies or get caught up in her hormonal state that it usually ends up with me getting her wrath or she mine!  Lord, please help me to be gentle! And help her not to be so defensive! Thank, You!

Fourth, Dinner. Duhhh!!! You'd think that this mom of many would have this one down by now. Trying. I have a love hate relationship with my kitchen. I love to eat. Hate to cook. Ok, hate is a strong word. Don't enjoy it.  But it is key to the existance of my family's health and to our communication. I can let a lot of things slide now that my older ones can fend for themselves in the kitchen. But I have to make this a priority! Everyone is happier with a yummy dinner that's homemade. So that is my goal. I'll keep you posted. Now tonight is Mac&Cheese, because hubby and I get to go out with my sister and her hubby! Yay! But I am making a breakfast casserole for in the morning! And I made Chicken Divan and Meatloaf with mashed potatoes in the last couple of days. Trying!

So the lesson today, thanks God, is that it is easy to tear down my house thru complacency, harsh words, and no food! But I can build upon this firm foundation that I've been given and watch it grow!